In every dollar goes directly to helping children in poverty
81c in every dollar goes directly to helping children in poverty
Appomense Hope For Africa works in partnership with children and their communities to create lasting and meaningful change by supporting long-term community development and promoting children’s rights.
Sponsorship contributions help provide food, healthcare, safe drinking water, education and income generation skills for the child, family and community.
Active community participation and empowerment is encouraged within Appomense Hope For Africa project areas. Although children are at the center of the locally developed initiatives, the emphasis is on encouraging self-help by providing families and communities with the means to reshape their future.
Communicating with your child
Child sponsorship is a wonderful opportunity to develop a new friendship across the globe. You can begin to get to know your sponsored child, learn more about each other and follow their progress.
Communicating is fun and enjoyable for both of you. It will be a childhood experience they will always cherish. But don’t just take it from us, see what children have to say!
To get started, we will send you a colorful postcard to introduce yourself. Shortly after, we’ll send you a fun activity for your sponsored child, so keep an eye on the post.
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